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 Project and Data Management / Editorial


I am dedicated to the organization, planning, and processing of the huge range of VFX material that is generated in any given film production working from Project Coordination to Video editing.


I am very accustomed to multi-tasking under pressure and working to tight deadlines for high-profile clients in the global film industry.

Executing every job effectively, and efficiently, liaising with Producers to ensure the successful processing, publishing, and distribution of film material. I have found myself easily adapting and learning to the various tasks that may be needed.

I consider myself creative with problem-solving. Working well within team environments, enjoying my daily interactions with those around me, being easily approachable and a friendly addition to any team.


Always happy dealing with challenges and actively learning new things every day.


Planning - Organization

Deadline - Efficiency workflow

Progress and developing

My best way to work on a project is getting everything planned to make the work easier, this is one of the most important keys for a succesfull project.



Working with the best of my ability, getting the most efficiency with the tools we have, coordinating and deciding the best ways to achieve the project.




Always been creative and learning new ways to success, developing and researching new ways to manage audiovisual media, beeing part of the creative process too.

Specialties / Tasks

- Project data management.
- Video editing and formatting conversion.
- Material study for proper workflow development.
- Material ingestion to internal pipeline.
- Final deliveries management.
- Search of resources to expedite material processing.
- Responsible for in and out client deliveries around the world.
- Task automation with computer scripts.
- Time and resources planning for material processing.
- Responsible for outsourced material from external vendors.
- Shots reallocation to balance servers obtaining a proper workflow.


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